25 april 2008

20 april 2008

Going back home

The day we left and kept putting bags into the car. she watched it all from a distance.

One last look around the playground...

Back in Nijlen.

On holiday

In our room in Normandy... Yep, she has her own bed!
Outside in the garden, this was one of the first times she went outside, so she was kind of anxious.
Anxious or not, when we were outside we heard her moaning to come and join us.

An actual real very much existing Travellin' Puss...

Pittstop on our way to Bosc-Benard-Commin, in Normandy, France

Another picture on the journey, look how curious she is. That's me and my nephew Seppe in the reflection.
While driving we let her out of her travelbasket. She enjoyed it very much!